Friday, March 6, 2020

Music Teachers To Our Ears

Music Teachers To Our Ears Hi! I’m Lucy, and I’m here to help YOU! become a music teacher with Tutorfair! We’ve had lots of students asking for music lessons so I’m scouring the orchestra and choir stalls looking for passionate instrumental and singing teachers. Our students range from complete beginners to budding musicians practising for their Grade 8 and beyond. Our music teachers include professional performers, peripatetic music teachers, ex-members of bands, composers, wannabe composers (that’d be me), barking mad musicians (that’d be Pippi our office puppy), musicians that wail like a cat (like Princess our office kitten), and people like our fantastic violinist  Julia, or our piano maestro Simone: In a past life I was a Choral Scholar at St Peter’s College, Oxford University, and I know how important having a great music teacher is to get you to the top of your musical game. Whether it’s teaching piano, violin, cello, flute, oboe, singing, drums, guitar or theremin* there are so many brilliant music teachers out there looking to inspire their pupils, and Tutorfair is the best place to find them. Please sign up and become a music teacher: * £100 prize for the first qualified Theremin tutor to sign up!

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